Cartozia is a world of many stories.
An Indy Anthology
Each issue of Cartozia Tales will feature stories by nine indy cartoonists. Each of us will be bringing his or her separate ideas, imagination, and drawing style to the world that we're sharing. Every issue will be full of surprises, and no one knows where the stories will wind up.
An All-Ages Magazine
Cartozia Tales will come right to your mailbox, and every issue will have ways for subscribers to interact with the storytelling process.
All of Cartozia Tales is kidsafe: if you can read, you're part of the audience we imagine.
A Quirky Fantasy World
Cartozia is not quite like any other fantasy world. We might have griffins and goblins, but we've also got vicuñicorns, phibbits, and the Loutra-Merre. And we've planned some secrets that will only be hinted at for the first few issues.