Fan Stuff!
Here's a quick link to a PDF of Shreya's "funniest creature" from Cartozia Tales #1. Print it, draw your own creature, and send the image to!
And here's a link to a PDF of Reshii's trip down the River Yalowod from issue #4. Show us what you think is waiting on that river!
If we like your creation, it might appear in a future issue of Cartozia Tales!
If you want to work the word search from issue #9 without marking up your comic — or if you just want a list of the 63 names in the grid, here's a link to a PDF of that!
Want to post a flyer about Cartozia Tales at your local comics store, library, school, or other public space? Here's a flyer!
And here's a version for those of you who can print in color!