
DIY Halloween Minicomic Bundle #2


DIY Halloween Minicomic Bundle #2


Do you get trick-or-treaters? Can you get to a xerox place? We've got a great way to supplement your candy giveaways! Download this selection of six PDFs, and you can make as many little Cartozia comics as you care to give away!

Simply print any of these PDFs two-sided on legal-sized paper, cut the pages into quarters, fold, and staple! Note: you'll need legal-sized paper to get four books per print. The books are small enough that you can staple them with an ordinary desk-sized stapler. You can go get snazzy paper for the covers, or print the whole book on neon purple and green if that's your thing.

This bundle contains work by J. Chris Campbell, Shawn Cheng, James Stowe, Nick Straight, Glynnis Fawkes, Caitlin Lehman, Isaac Cates, and Mike Wenthe. It's quality fun that's cheaper than a bag of Snickers and better for kids' vocabularies!

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